Dreaming Up A Green Future With Sustainable Toddler Bedding
This week, we’ve handed the microphone over to one of the o~z team to hear her take on sustainable toddler bedding:
“I love my children. They are the joy of my life, the light of my days, the glow in my heart. And while I love them when they are awake, it’s a whole other level when they close their darling eyes and nod off at the end of the day. That one last snuggle and kiss on the hair before I finally make it into my own bed is my reason for living!
As I’m sure every parent is, I too am inspired by that deep, abiding love for my kids, to do the very best I can for them. My partner and I make careful decisions about when to spend our money and when to save it. We think long and hard about what we will buy, and we always aim to provide our children with the very best. I want to look after them in every way I can, and I’m keenly aware that looking after my children extends to looking after their planet, too.

I’ve mentioned sleeping, caring for my kiddo, and being eco-conscious, so let me bring it all together and talk you through why I think sustainable toddler bedding is so important. There are endless choices to make when you have a toddler in your life. Do we go to this playground or that one? Should I let them keep sleeping or wake them up? Is it a stroller or carrier day today? Some decisions are relatively inconsequential, while others carry a lot more impact. And which bed and bedding you choose are down the ‘bigger deal’ end of the spectrum.
When you choose where to spend your money, you send a message, cast a vote. Shopping at fast-fashion retailers tells those stores that fast fashion is desired and desirable—it encourages them to produce more. The same is true at stores that make more eco-friendly wares. Opting for sustainable, organic baby wipes tells the market that sustainable is the way to go.

You spend more on your child's bed than on many of the other things you buy for them, and so for this reason, the choice of bed is a bigger vote, so to say. Spending a little on a sustainable onesie over a conventional one is a little whisper to clothing manufacturers that you are pro-environment. Putting your hard-earned money toward a sustainable bed made from solid natural materials and high-quality, sustainable toddler bedding is a big loud shout. You’re telling the market consumers want sustainable options over their cheaper, conventional counterparts.
As I said, my partner and I are ‘researchers’. We like to be well-informed before we make decisions. So after (perhaps a little obsessively!!) looking into what makes bedding sustainable, I feel like I’m well placed to help you know what’s what here. When assessing beds or bedding brands, these are the things to consider to decide if you’re making a sustainable choice:
What to look for when choosing sustainable bedding:

Material selection
Choose beds and bedding made from natural materials. Avoid synthetic fibres, plastic components on beds, artificial veneers, or paints. Choose a bed made of solid wood. Look for mattresses made of natural rubber latex and organic cotton, and choose sheets, pillow slips, and quilt covers made of natural, organic fibres such as cotton, wool, linen, or bamboo.
Organic certification
Many sustainable bedding options are certified organic by recognised organisations such as the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) or the OEKO-TEX Standard 100. Organic certification ensures that the materials used in the bedding are free from harmful chemicals, pesticides, and synthetic fertilisers, promoting healthier sleeping environments.
Quality craftsmanship
A piece of furniture made with skill and care will last infinitely longer than one mass-produced with speed and efficiency. The most sustainable thing you can do with your toddler’s bed is to use it thoroughly then pass it on to someone else when it’s no longer needed. A well-crafted bed will mean it will still be in perfect condition to be passed down, hopefully many times.

Biodegradability and recycling
Once bedding has been loved so much that it has nothing left to give, we want something that is biodegradable or recyclable at the end of its lifespan, minimising its environmental impact. Natural fibres like cotton, bamboo, and linen biodegrade more readily than synthetic materials, reducing landfill waste and pollution.
So, when you are ready to buy your children beds, if you’re able to let your decision be guided by factors other than price, please consider the sustainability of the beds you are looking at and make the choice that is right for you, for your kids and for the planet.” - Eri, Real Mum at Organic Zoo
Related guide
Wash Me Gently: Keeping Little Bed Clothes Clean Without All The Nasties