13 items
stack of folded baby & toddler clothing with green red brown colours patterns prints on wooden stoolbaby and toddler ribbed cotton leggings in red and white stripes
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Paprika Stripes Leggings

¥4,048 ¥5,060
Desert Midnight LeggingsDesert Midnight Leggings
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Desert Midnight Leggings

¥3,542 ¥5,060
Midnight LeggingsMidnight Leggings
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Black Midnight Leggings

¥4,048 ¥5,060
Olive Dots LeggingsOlive Dots Leggings
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Olive Dots Leggings

¥2,530 ¥5,060
Gold Dots LeggingsGold Dots Leggings
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Gold Dots Leggings

¥3,542 ¥5,060
Brown Ribbed LeggingsBrown Ribbed Leggings
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Brown Ribbed Leggings

¥3,542 ¥5,060
Oat Ribbed LeggingsOat Ribbed Leggings
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Oat Ribbed Leggings

¥3,542 ¥5,060
Fall In Love LeggingsFall In Love Leggings
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Fall In Love Leggings

¥3,542 ¥5,060
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For the newest members of the zooniverse, we can think of nothing more comfy, comforting and practical than a pair of our buttery soft, organic cotton leggings made from the finest organic cotton. Your tiny one’s delicate skin is super sensitive at this stage in their life, so our smooth, organic cotton will help avoid irritation.

While jumpsuits and onesies may seem like the obvious choice for a newborn, you have to change the whole thing when a one-piece gets messy. Just take a moment to think about where all the mess is coming from. They’re not much into playing in the sandpit, won’t be up to finger painting, not likely to be sitting down to a tray table of bolognese yet. The only place where a newborn really gets messy is in (and unfortunately sometimes out of) their nappy. This is where leggings shine. Simply whip off their leggings and nappy, pop on a new set, and you’re good to go! Singlet, t-shirt, sweater, even the baby hat can all stay on.

What kind of kid do you have right at the moment? Have you got a cosy little snuggler? A bouncing ball of energy? A cheeky little mischief maker? A bare-bum bandit? We say ‘at the moment’ because we know kids never stay the same. The little one you dropped off at childcare can bare little resemblance to the one you pick up. One moment they’re bursting with confidence; the next, they’re cuddling your thigh.

Well, amidst all this flux and change, there is one thing that stays the same, no matter which little one you’ve got right now, we’re sure they like being comfy. All kids of all genders will be perfectly comfy in a pair of our soft and stretchy organic ribbed cotton leggings. They’re not itchy like knitted or woollen leggings can be. We have purposefully left them open at the feet so that when they’re new, they can bunch a little around the ankles (we think it’s such a sweet look!) and then straighten out as those little legs grow, footed tights on the other hand, don’t really work this way. And, as with all of our clothes, we’ve deliberately chosen earthy, gender-neutral colours and patterns, like the little crescent moons of our midnight collection or the natural palate of olive garden, which makes them ideal for layering. On those cooler summer mornings, they work perfectly to add warmth to a dress. Then in winter, you can wear them ‘onion style’ and layer them under sweatpants or dungarees to be truly toasty. Legs are legs, so we didn’t make baby boy leggings and baby girl leggings, just comfy, stretchy leggings so that everyone can feel at ease in their clothes.

Discovery Packs
Discovery Packs

Thoughtfully curated for those who wish to use our expertise in creating beautiful yet practical outfits for our precious small people.

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