Greening The Zooniverse: Top UK Resources, Services & Communities For Eco-Conscious Families
We are lucky here in the UK; it is truly a fantastic place to raise our children and engage in family life. For those of us who care deeply about the environment, there are myriad ways to find other like-minded families to connect with and work towards a shared vision of a brighter future. We can find people who see themselves as stewards of the next generation, instilling a sense of responsibility for their environment and teaching them about sustainability, conservation, and reducing their ecological footprint.
We want to make access to these fantastic groups and services even easier, so we have compiled a list of eco-conscious communities that we see are doing particularly excellent things for families in our communities.
Cloth Nappy Laundering Service
One of the most eco-friendly moves you can make as a parent is avoiding plastic nappies. They are an environmental nightmare. But for some people, washing and drying their own cloth nappies seems a bridge too far. But cloth nappies don't belong in the too-hard basket! If you lack the time, space or sunshine required to wash your own cloth nappies, fear not! There are various cloth nappy laundering services in the UK that will collect your little one's nappies and leave you with a freshly laundered stack as often as you need them. These laundering services are also worth considering if you’re looking for someone to carefully wash your organic baby clothes in the UK. Freeing up your washing line for actual clothes and keeping thousands of plastic nappies out of production and landfill.
Nature Playgroups and Forest Schools
Every day across the UK, groups of happy babies, toddlers and children are merrily communing with nature through play. Little ones come together to connect with their natural environment and develop a deep connection with the natural world in which they are immersed. This primal love developed early will grow and blossom into a sense of compelling responsibility for their planet. Search for a nature playgroup or forest kindergarten near you and see the magic of nature play for yourself.
Breastfeeding Support Groups
There are many reasons mothers decide to breastfeed their babies, and one of them is environmental. The environmental impact of producing, packaging and shipping baby formula is taken out of the equation if your baby is breastfed. But even for mothers with the best intentions, breastfeeding can be difficult. Luckily, there are many breastfeeding support groups across the UK full of caring, like-minded women who can help you on your way. From tips and advice to simply supportive environments in which to feel comfortable feeding your baby, a breastfeeding support group makes a wonderful addition to the 'village' raising your child with you.
Organic Produce Delivery Services
Finding healthy, sustainable food to feed your family can be a challenge. Some days, simply getting to the shops with your little ones in tow can feel like climbing Mount Everest! Signing up for a produce delivery service can lighten the load and help produce that might otherwise go to waste be rescued and put to good use! You'll receive a box of excellent fruit and vegetables perfect to be cut up into a lunchbox, packed as a snack on an outing, or steamed and pureed for your littlest eco-warrior.

Clothes Swaps
We're very aware of the environmental harm caused by clothing waste. That's one of the reasons we put so much effort into making our garments high-quality and long-lasting. One way to combat clothing waste is to swap clothes with others. One family's trash is another family's treasure! Many events are held across the UK for people to meet up and swap clothes with each other. And we'd be particularly chuffed to see some of our own comfies being swapped!
Repair Cafes
Environmentally conscious families repair things. Toaster not toasting? Beaters not beating? Baby bouncer not bouncing? Don't throw them away, repair them! Across the UK, there are Repair Cafes where you can take your wonky wares and have them repaired or learn how to repair them yourselves. Even better, bring your kids along; they can get into the fun, too. You can save money and the life of your trusty toaster by repairing it. Your kids will grow up with a stronger sense of environmental stewardship if they grow up in a family with the motto, 'In our family, we repair things, we don't throw them out'.
Toy Libraries
Anyone who's raised a child will tell you there is nothing more enticing, entertaining, and exciting than someone else's toy. The lure of your friend's toy box sees little kids dreaming of playdates where they can spend hours pouring over toys that are slightly different from their own. A big part of the appeal is the novelty. New toys are the holy grail.
Eco-conscious (and budget-conscious!) parents can't always buy their little ones new toys, and this is where a toy library comes in. Boxes, shelves, and crates of "new" toys that you can take home just until they are not new enough anymore. Then, simply take them back and swap them for more "new" ones! A little kid's paradise!
There are toy libraries all over the UK; look one up today.
Parents for Future UK
For those families who want to go beyond their own four walls and start taking action toward change in their communities, country and the world, joining an action group might be a great place to begin.
Parents for Future UK is a co-ordinated group of over 30,000 supporters who campaign for climate action. They employ peaceful, family-friendly action and creative communication to inspire political change and work towards a healthier planet for their children. From humble beginnings in 2019, Parents for Future has grown to be the biggest parent climate movement in the UK and they are continuing to grow. They value diverse ideas and voices and have become a supportive, inclusive, thriving community.
We’re really spoilt for choice in the UK when it comes to green parenting and building an environmentally conscious family. There are so many ways you and your little ones can engage with your community and work together toward a greener future. Go out and see what’s in your neighbourhood and get stuck in!
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