2020年 11月 26日
Sustainable wrapping tips
Let’s get wrapping! Here are a few tips...
1. When you shop online, never throw away parts of packaging that could be re-used and given another life. That inlcudes, tissue paper, cardboard, ribbons, tags, labels etc.

2. Try to use natural materials when decorating your presents- dry flowers, leaves, cynamon sticks, star anise, your imagination has no limit!
3. Ribbons, strings, washing pegs- they can also be recycled and look very stylish!
4. Have fan with crafts – paper chains, stars, moons, cut, cut, cut…
5. Hand made paper rosettes are super quick and easy to make. Fold your paper into an accordion with 1-2cm folds. Then connect the middle with sawing needle and thread to form a round shape. Lastly, decorate with ribbon and voila!
6. Old postcards or leaflets are also a perfect way to decorate! Wrap your prezzies using a simple grey paper and decorate with a rustic string and old postcard. Simple trick that looks so great!

7. Cotton pouches, bags, shoppers can work magic when comes to wrapping, epecially with gifts of irregular shapes. Just add a dry flower, rossette or a colourful ribbon!
8. Oranges! Yes, this wonderful winter fruit is perfect to decorate not only your presents but also your tree, wreaths, anything really! Heat up your oven to 100C and cut the oragnes in 5-10mm slices. Bake for 3-4h. Once cooled down, they are ready to go! And there is a bonus- your home will smell deliciously!